Skin Tightening Pre-Care
Before your skin tightening treatment in Mechanicsville, there are a few things you can do to prepare for your appointment.
- Refrain from using skin-irritating products like Retin-A, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid for one week prior.
- Avoid exposing the treatment area to the sun or getting sunburned for 72 hours before your treatment.
- Cleanse your face and remove all makeup, including eye makeup, right before your treatment.
- Shave any thick hair or stubble in the treatment area before your appointment.
- If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have taken isotretinoin capsules recently, do not undergo skin tightening.
- You are not eligible for a skin tightening treatment if you have any metal implants, including a pacemaker, internal defibrillator, or copper IUD. Also, remove any piercings from your body prior to treatment.
Skin Tightening Post-Care
There are a number of things you can do after your TempSure, Exion, or Emface procedure at Chandler Eye Care.
- Avoid heat sources including saunas and doing cardio workouts for 3 days after treatment, as they can increase inflammation in your body.
- Refrain from going into direct sunlight for a week after treatment. When you do go out, please use a sunscreen of at least an SPF of 30.
- Abstain from having chemical peels or using retinol, tretinoin or other products with salicylic or glycolic acid on your face or the treatment area.
Skin Tightening Results
The procedure is only 30 minutes and the recovery time is also a mere 30 minutes, but it takes a week from the first procedure to see any initial results. After all 5 to 6 skin tightening sessions are completed, you will have results that last for at least a year. After that time frame, you can come back to Chandler Eye Care for a maintenance appointment.