First we need to determine your risk of vision loss from glaucoma and what treatment is needed. We will personalize the use of laser or eye medication treatment to reduce the risk of vision loss.
This means we use the laser to either enlarge the drainage holes in the eye or we can minimize the amount of tissue in the eye that produces fluid. Then, we will prescribe medicated eye drops. Our team may ask you to come in once or twice more for follow-ups to ensure that the treatment and the drops have worked as they should.
If we determine you do not have a high fluid pressure in your eye, then you are not at a high-risk for developing glaucoma. We request that you return once a year for retesting.
If changes are made in your treatment, a follow-up appointment is made to see if there is improvement in 4-6 weeks. Once the glaucoma risk is stabilized, there are regular follow-up appointments every 4-6 months.
If it is determined that you do not actually have glaucoma, but are at high risk for developing glaucoma, the diagnosis is “glaucoma suspect”. Usually there are follow-up visits every 6-12 months for this.