Eyelid Correction Pre-Care
There are a few things patients can do before their eyelid correction surgery.
- Your provider may request that you discontinue aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, warfarin, and other medications or herbal supplements that may raise the risk of bleeding.
- Patients should also stop smoking a few weeks prior to surgery.
Eyelid Correction Post-Care
There are a few things patients can do after their blepharoplasty in Mechanicsville.
- Apply antibiotic and steroid ointment to your eye multiple times a day for a week.
- Use cold packs intermittently to minimize bruising and swelling.
Eyelid Correction Results
When you come in for an eyelid restoration at Chandler Eye Care, you should be able to see results right away. The treatment only lasts 30 minutes, but you will likely need at least 1 day of downtime to recover from the surgery. Only one treatment is needed.